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- Last updated:2024-04-19
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During the Japanese period in 1896, this Office was called "Sotokufu (總督府) The High Court Prosecution Bureau of Taiwan". After the retrocession of Taiwan(臺灣光復), the Ministry of Judicial Administration(司法行政部) designated Mr. Chiang Wei-Tsu(蔣慰祖) as the first Prosecutor General on November 1, 1945. Meanwhile, the Bureau was renamed as the Department of Prosecution, Taiwan High Court. In order to realize the separation of powers for adjudication and prosecution, on July 1, 1980, the Ministry of Judicial Administration was restructured as the Ministry of Justice, under which this Office is subordinated.
This restructure marked a new era in which the Prosecutors Offices are able to exercise their authority independently from the Courts. On December 24, 1989, in accordance with the amendment of the Court Organization Act, the title of this Office was changed to the Taiwan High Prosecutors Office. The Prosecutor General of this Office was renamed as the Chief Prosecutor.