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Internal Units

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  • Last updated:2024-04-19
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Internal Units of the High Prosecutors Office

In accordance with the provisions of the Court Organization Act and the regulations of high Prosecutors Office and its branches, the internal units, manpower limits and work responsibilities of high Prosecutors Office are as follows:


Chief Prosecutor Office

Manage the operation of the whole High Prosecutors Office
Head Prosecutor

1. Supervising the affairs of his/her team.
2. Reviewing the case documents handled by the prosecutors in her/her team.
3. Reviewing and deciding the administrative documents handled by the prosecutors in her/her team.
4. Assessing the work, conduct, knowledge and skill as well as handing out rewards and punishments for prosecutors and staff of his/her team.
5. Investigating and proposing of the people's complaints.
6. Research on legal issues.
7. Handling matters handled down by the Chief Prosecutor and other related matters.


1. Investigating cases of offenses of sedition, treason, and interference with relations with other states.
2. Reviewing or investigating the reconsideration cases.
3. A motion for retrial for the interest of the person convicted.
4. Implementing prosecutions in High Courts or Branch Courts.
5. Handling appeals of criminal cases after the rulings of the first instance.
6. Inspecting district prosecutors officers’ affairs.
7. The administrative supervision on investigation of various projects such as drugs and financial crimes.

Prosecutor’s Investigator Office

1. Help the prosecutor to handle the document analysis, data collection and other related business of important and complicated cases.
2. Database analysis of reconsideration cases of the manufacture, traficking and selling of drugs.
3. Establish, manage, maintain and revamp the “National Drug Database”, “Cross-border Telecommunications Fraud Database” and “Database of Selling the Seized Property before Prosecuting” and propose analysis and trend reports.
4. Planning digital evidence-collecting: Research and develop the digital evidence-collecting affairs in Taiwan, and determine the overall distribution and use of digital evidence-collecting equipment and tools of prosecutors offices.
5. Supporting the Prosecutors Office for digital evidence-collection: The Taiwan High Prosecutors Office is a digital evidence-collecting center. In addition to our evidence-collecting cases, if other prosecutors offices have needs for digia evidence-collection, they may request for our assistance.
6. Handling database and educating and training related to digital evidence-collecting.
7. Management and maintenance of electronic monitoring system.
8. Handling Taiwan-US intellectual property platform and mutual legal assistance.
9. Summarizing intelligence of drug and cross-border fraud cases.
10. Handling prosecutorial administrative and specialized team affairs.
11. Other matters assigned by the supervisor.

 Clerk Division
(assisting administration affairs)
 Set up with one chief clerk under supervision by the head prosecutor to handle the administrative affairs. There are seven sections and one unit thereunder.
 Record Section 1. Numbering and distribution of cases.
2. Accepting and registering of files and documents, and registering of pre-trial detention criminals.
3. Producing transcripts, subpoenas, warrants, arrest warrant, writ of pre-trial detention, release notes, search warrant and other notices.
4. Drafting of cases and administrative documents.
5. Organizing, editing and maintaining the files and documents, and keeping the evidences of cases.
6. Pronouncement of the originals and transcripts of indictment, written ruling or written appeal, and other documents.
7. Delivery of the case documents.
8. Sending or filing of the closed cases.
9. Production of various reports or statistics data or other information.
10. Handling of bail money and seized property.
11. Production, maintenance and verification of the criminal records of defendants.
12. Other matters that shall be assigned by the supervisors.
 Execution Section 1. Numbering and distribution of execution of criminal cases.
2. Acceptance, registration and maintenance of criminal execution files and documents.
3. Producing transcripts, subpoenas, warrants, arrest warrant, writ of detention, release notes, execution order and other instruments.
4. Drafting of the criminal execution and probation affairs documents.
5. Organizing, editing, sending and receiving, and filing of criminal execution documents.
6. Production of various reports and forms on criminal execution cases, and provision of information such as statistics and so on.
7. Handling of bail money and seized property.
8. Handling of protective measures affairs.
9. Other matters that shall be assigned by the supervisors.
 Documentation Section 1. The storage of seal.
2. Sending and receiving, distribution, and proofreading of documents.
3. Drafting of administrative manuscripts.
4. Editing of various reports.
5. Planning and recording of meetings.
6. Other matters that shall be assigned by the supervisors.
 Research & Evaluation Section 1. Handling and supervision of research and development affairs.
2. Preparation and review of the annual work plan.
3. Preparation, card making, assessment, evaluation and counseling for the monitored plans.
4. Tracking and control of monitored cases.
5. The inspection and urging of ongoing case and general affairs.
6. Registration of the prosecutor's execution of his/her duty on the court.
7. Control and statistics on the timeliness of official documents.
8. Handling, counseling, and management of public service work.
9. Other relevant research and development assessments or matters assigned by the supervisors.
 General Affairs Section 1. About the cashier work of funds.
2. Income on legal collections.
3. Custody of the stolen goods and evidences.
4. Cashier work of putting money or other valuables of the cases into national treasury.
5. The purchase, storage and issuance of property.
6. Construction and distribution of public housing.
7. Handling of distribution of physical supplies.
8. Planning and implementation of benefits of staffs.
9. Management, deployment, training and assessment of drivers, mechanics and maintenance workers.
10. About the matters related to the playing of legal films.
11. Other matters related to the general affairs or matters assigned by the supervisors.
 Data Section The Data Section is responsible for the following affairs:

1. Collection, organization, comparison, statistics, processing and utilization of criminal records.
2. Collection and organization of court decisions and prosecution documents, and filing and utilization of microfilms.
3. Handling of the archive management affairs.
4. Editing and printing of relevant materials of prosecution.
5. Collection, reading and management of books, newspapers and periodicals.
6. Handling of other matters assigned by the supervisors.

 Litigation Counseling Section  1. Planning of annual key projects for public serving work.
2. Planning and implementation of public service work.
3. Planning and implementation of the service counter (station) work.
4. Counseling of litigants' claims.
5. Promotion of legal assistance of civilians.
6. Coordination matters concerning the public service work.
7. Planning and promotion of legal common sense.
8. Other matters related to litigation, counseling or matters assigned by the supervisors.
Bailiff Section 1. The delivery of litigation documents, the detention and bailing of criminals, and the handling of custody procedures.
2. Attending of investigation room and investigating of fugitives.
3. On duty, security and agency safety.
4. Other matters relating to the affairs of the bailiff or the matters assigned by the supervisors.
Information Management Division 1. Promotion, coordination, development planning, approval and transfer of the prosecution affairs information system.
2. Development, testing, implementation and promotion of the prosecution affairs information application software.
3. Counseling and project approval on the development of the information operations of its unit.
4. The study and establishment of the standard operating norms of the prosecution affairs information system.
5. Development and implementation of the Information Education Training and Continuing Education Programme.
6. Management, operation and maintenance of information equipment and peripherals.
7. The establishment, processing, application and examining of electronic data for criminal cases.
8. Supervision and efficiency assessment of the information systems used by its unit.
9. Technical guidance and discussion on rental and purchase of information equipment hardware and software.
10. Promotion and supervision of the information security management system of its unit.
11. Other matters related to information processing or matters assigned by the supervisors.
Personnel Division 1. Appointment and dismissal, relocation, examination and distribution, organization compiling, job affiliation, audit status, personnel information affairs, and data registration of the Taiwan High Prosecutors Office and its affiliated offices.
2. Matters such as the awards and punishments, attendance management, sending and receiving, file management of the Taiwan High Prosecutors Office and its affiliated offices.
3. Pensions & survivors' benefits, training and continuing education, personnel management, public insurance, welfare and mutual assistance, treatment, performance appraisal, general affairs, and alternative military service affairs of the Taiwan High Prosecutors Office and its affiliated offices.
Accounting Division 1. The preparation, distribution and reservation of unit budget and final settlement, application to use the reserve funds, and on-site inspection of the internal auditing and expenditures status of the prosecutors office it belongs.
2. Audit of original vouchers of annual income, funds and properties, budget execution and control, preparation of various accounting reports, and supervision of various procurement projects, etc.
3. Personnel, sending and receiving, file management, general affairs of accounting, and the accounting affairs of the Lianjiang District Prosecutors Offices of Fujian and Intelligent Property Branches.
Statistics Office 1. Statistics affairs of the High Prosecutors Office and it branch offices.
2. Statistics affairs of the district prosecutors offices (except for the statistics of probation and compensation for victims).
3. Make statistics of personnel, district prosecutors office and compensation for victims.
Government Ethics Division 1. Promotion and social participation of anti-corruption.
2. The formulation, promotion and implementation of the anti-corruption regulations and preventing measures.
3. The drafting, coordination and promotion of the recommendation about anti-corruption.
4. Declaration of property and avoidance of conflicts interest of public servants, and affairs related to anti-corruption and integrity ethics.
5. The handling of corruption and illegal matters related to the unit.
6. Investigation of affairs with corruption risks.
7. Handling and coordination of maintenance of official confidentiality of the unit.
8. Handling and coordination of unit’s safety.
9. Other relevant government ethics matters.




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