The Duties of the high Prosecutors Office
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- Last updated:2024-04-19
- View count:1010
The Duties of the high Prosecutors Office
- Supervise the district prosecutors offices to carry out the investigation, indicting, implementation of indictments, assistance in private prosecution, implementation of private prosecution and command of the execution of criminal decisions.
- Handle criminal cases appealed by the jurisdiction in objection to the first instance rulings by the district courts and their branches.
- To investigate the first instance cases of offenses of sedition, treason, and interference with relations with other states and so on.
- To handle the reconsideration cases brought up by the jurisdiction in objection to the ruling not to indict made by the district prosecutors office.
- To command the implementation of execution of criminal decisions.
- Supervise the administrative affairs of the district prosecutors offices.
- The implementation of other functions stipulated by laws.