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Nationalist Government Era (2013.1.1~2013.12.31)

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  • Last updated:2021-01-08
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Year Date Events
2013 03/08 Chen Yu-jen, the prosecutor of the Taiwan High Court Prosecutors Office, was indicted for corruption by the prosecutors of Special Investigation Division of Supreme Prosecutors Office on March 8, 2013. It was believed that guilty evidences for the corruption of the defendant Chen Yu-jen was clear and sufficient, and she covered illegal gambling for 6 years and 8 months across the first and second instances, accepting 81 bribes for a total amount of NT$23.25 million. It was the highest amount for corruption by a judicial official ever, shocking the society and seriously damaging the reputation of the prosecutorial organ.
2013 04/12 Regarding the disputes that whether the procurement affairs by professors of national universities had the identity of public officials in the Criminal Code, the Supreme Court’s 2013 Tai-shan-tzi No. 1448 criminal ruling concluded that in alleged corruption case of defendant Lin Chao-ren, the procurement affairs by professors of national universities did not have the identity of public officials in the Criminal Code, and it was not consistent with the 2009 Tai-shan-tzi No.4328, the 2010 Tai-shan-tzi No.8093 and the 2011 Tai-shan-tzi No.459 criminal rulings. Therefore, the Supreme Prosecutors Office recommended the Ministry of Justice to ask Judicial Yuan to urge the Supreme Court to issue a uniformed opinion as soon as possible.
2013 08/06 On August 6th, 2013, the provisional meeting of Legislative Yuan passed the "Amendment to provisions of Military Trial" and the "Amendment to Article 8 of National Security Act”, which were announced by the President on August 13th, 2013. From there on, crimes committed by servicemen would be tried in the general judicial process during peace-time. Military trials will only be applied if the accused violates the Criminal Code of the Armed Forces and the military-related special laws in wartime. After the announcement of the new law, the case of the death of the Army Corporal Hung Chung-chiu was transferred to the general court for trial, and the military judicial system that had been in operation for decades went into history.
2013 09/06

Supreme Prosecutors Office issued a press release on September 6th, 2013, stating that in the case of Tseng Yung-fu, former Minister of Justice, and Chen Shou-huang, the chief prosecutor of the Taiwan High Court Prosecutors Office, allegedly accepting lobbying from Wang Jin-pyng, the President of the Legislative Yuan, and instructed presiding prosecutor Lin Shou-tao not to appeal against the first instance not-guilty ruling of legislator Ke Cheng-ming’s breach of trust and commercial accounting violation cases, causing the not-guilty ruling to become final, and it caused an uproar in public. It caused Minister of Justice Tseng Yung-fu to resign and triggered a major controversy over whether the Special Investigation Division of Supreme Prosecutors Office illegally implemented communication surveillance.

The Prosecutor Review Committee of the Ministry of Justice confirmed on December 20th, 2013 that "chief prosecutor Chen Shou-huang accepted the lobbying of Wang Jin-pyng and in turn lobbied to prosecutor Lin Shou-tao." The Ministry of Justice gave a warning to both and moved Chen Shou-huang, the chief prosecutor of the Taiwan High Court Prosecutors Office, to be a prosecutor of the Supreme Prosecutors Office. It was the first time in the judicial history of Taiwan that a chief prosecutor of the Taiwan High Court Prosecutors Office lost his job due to a lobbying case.

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