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Question13: How does one claim back the guarantee deposit against the accused not being charged or being acquitted or imprisoned?

  • Publication Date:
  • Last updated:2024-04-19
  • View count:1675

Answer: For a case under non-prosecutorial disposition or its final judgment being executed or completely executed, if the guarantee deposit was not confiscated, the payer will be returned said deposit without application; for guarantee deposit paid to the Taiwan High Court, our Prosecutors Office will request said Court in writing for the deposit return and notify the payer with the duplicate written request. Where the payer is deceased, the successor will be the recipient; in the case of multiple successors, one delegate may be assigned for deposit return collection and such delegate shall present written application, death certificate, genealogical list of inheritance, each statutory successor’s Household Certificate Transcription, Power of Attorney, Return Notice of Guarantee Deposit, the delegate’s national ID card, personal seal and deposit receipt to the original agency where the deposit was made for the deposit return collection.

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